The mother of the abducted 2.5 year old Insiya Hemani has posted an emotional Facebook message saying she is extremely thankful to all who joined the search for her daughter. “Every second without Insiya is unbearable”.

I am extremely thankful to all who are helping to find her and also to those who have been sharing these messages”, says Insiya’s mother. The Dutch police issued an AMBER Alert for the toddler on Thursday September 29th. The AMBER Alert reached 11 million Dutch citizens. The alert was also disseminated by AMBER Alert Europe. The AMBER Alert has been cancelled, Insiya is still missing.

Knowing that there are so many people on the lookout for Inisya, gives Inisya’s mother hope: “All your support and messages give me hope and assure me that I am not alone in this search. Therefore I request you to keep sharing this post, also in Europe, India and the rest of the world… Help me find my daughter.”

The 2.5 year old Inisya Hemani was abducted from Amsterdam. The Dutch police suspects the girl has been taken abroad and is accompanied by her father, Shezad Hemani. If you have any information about this case, please contact: 0800 6070 (the Netherlands) or +31 79 345 9876 (from outside the Netherlands).