[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today, on Missing Children’s Day, AMBER Alert Europe launches an international prevention campaign to educate children across Europe on how to protect themselves from getting lost or against a possible abduction. Parents are also schooled on what to do when their child goes missing.
“More than one million go missing each year in Europe”, says AMBER Alert Europe Founder and Chairman Frank Hoen. “There are ways to decrease this number, one of which is prevention.”
Part of the campaign is a colouring page with prevention tips for children. The colouring page is created in cooperation with members of the Police Expert Network, consisting of over 50 law enforcement experts in the field of missing children from 17 countries. With the colouring page, which depicts the route from home to school, children are taught how to get to school and back safely.
Tips for parents
Through the campaign parents are also instructed on what to do in the event their child does go missing. With the help of an animated video parents are informed of all the steps that need to be taken when dealing with a lost child.
“Of course contacting your local police is essential, but there are several things parents can do themselves in order to safely retrieve their child as quickly as possible”, according to Hoen. “If a small child goes missing, for instance, it is important to check dangerous places in the vicinity, such as busy roads and water, first.”
The prevention campaign is shared by police in Slovenia, France, Slovakia, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland and The Czech Republic.[/vc_column_text][vcex_button url=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/AMBER_Alert_Europe_Colouring_page_25_may_2018.pdf” title=”Download the colouring page” target=”blank” size=”large” custom_background=”#ed6e23″ custom_hover_background=”#f28b24″ custom_color=”#ffffff” custom_hover_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”20px” margin=”20px 0 20px 0″]Download the colouring page[/vcex_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]