Yesterday, the Dutch police has arrested two more persons that are suspected to be involved in the abduction of the two-year-old Insiya Hemani. One of the suspects has been arrested in Germany. The police have also searched a house in Germany.
Both suspects have the Dutch nationality. The police ask the public to stay on the lookout for Insiya: “We suspect that the child might be in Germany. Because of the investigation process we can not give more information at this stage. Germany is extremely large, but we think it is very important to find her. We hope everyone will be on the lookout, also in Germany”, says a spokeswoman of the Dutch police (Hart van Nederland).
The police responsible for the investigation of the abducted toddler expects the child won’t be in Germany for a long period of time. It is unknown if she is accompanied by her father or by someone else. Therefore the Dutch police urges the public to stay on the lookout for the girl. If you have any information about this case, please contact: 0800 6070 (the Netherlands) or +31 79 345 9876 (from outside the Netherlands).
Dutch AMBER Alert
The Dutch police issued an AMBER Alert for the girl on September 29th. The AMBER Alert reached 11 million Dutch citizens. The alert was also disseminated by AMBER Alert Europe. The alert is cancelled, but Insia is still missing.