Yesterday, January 21st, Luxembourg announced that the country will launch a national AMBER Alert system in the summer of 2016. The announcement is a result of a cooperation between the ministry of Justice, the ministry of internal security, the national police and AMBER Alert Europe.
AMBER Alert Luxembourg enables the police in Luxembourg to quickly inform citizens when the police fear the life of an abducted or missing child is in imminent danger. In addition to AMBER Alerts, parts of the system will be used to find endangered missing children. A missing child is considered endangered when there is an immediate and significant risk of harm but the case does not reach the criteria for an AMBER Alert. For more information about AMBER Alert Luxembourg, please visit
Below you will find an overview of the press coverage in Luxembourg:
Official press release of the Government of Luxembourg
RTL Luxembourg: including a video that explains how AMBER Alert Luxembourg will work
Le Jeudi
Tageblatt Lëtzebuerg
Le Quotidien