On Wednesday night 11th of January, a Czech Child Alert has been issued for the 12-year old MICHAELA PATRICIA MUZIKÁŘOVÁ from ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM, Czech Republic. 

A Child Alert is in effect in the Czech Republic, where a 12 year old girl went missing from ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM. The girl has brown shoulder-length hair and is wearing glasses with a purple frame.
She is wearing a quilted coat and dark knee-length boots with white fur, and she has a pink school bag with her.

If you have any information about this case, please contact your local police immediately: https://www.amberalert.eu/my-child-is-missing/emergency-numbers-in-the-eu/

For more information, please visit: http://aplikace.policie.cz/patrani-osoby/PersonDetail.aspx?person_id=20210111170410


Czech Child Alert

A Czech Child Alert allows police officers to inform the public quickly via the news and via e-mail. The National Coordination Mechanism of the Search for Missing Children (NKMPPD), part of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, is responsible for issuing nation-wide Child Alerts in the Czech Republic. For more information about the Czech Child Alert system, please see: https://www.amberalert.eu/join-the-search#czechrepublic.