On September 22nd, a Greek AMBER Alert was issued for the 2,5-year-old Athina Hijazzi from Palaio Faliro, Greece. The alert has now been cancelled. The girl remains missing.
The girl has been abducted by her father, who committed suicide. Her place of residence is unknown. Athina is about 96 cm tall and weighs 14 kg. She has black hair and brown eyes.
If you have any information about this case, please contact your local police immediately: https://www.amberalert.eu/my-child-is-missing/emergency-numbers-in-the-eu/
For more information, please visit: https://www.hamogelo.gr/gr/el/ta-nea-mas/amber-alert-goniki-arpagi-tis-chitzazi-athinas-25-eton/