On Monday, January 29th, AMBER Alert Europe launched its dedicated Task Force on AMBER Alerts in order to save more missing children in Europe. Police experts on missing children from the Czech Republic, Malta, Poland and the Netherlands joined the first virtual meeting to set out the Task Force’s framework and priorities.
The Task Force on AMBER Alerts provides a platform for discussion and sharing of information among missing children experts. As members of the Task force, police experts will be able to network with colleagues across Europe to exchange best practices and cooperate to overcome challenges when working on missing children cases. They can also learn about the latest innovations to enhance their national AMBER Alert system.
“When a child goes missing, an AMBER Alert system connects police with the public through technology. Since technology evolves so quickly, it is crucial that police keep up with the latest technological developments”, says Frank Hoen, founder of AMBER Alert Europe.
During the meeting, all experts welcomed the establishment of the Task Force and confirmed the need for better police cooperation, training and information sharing. They furthermore agreed that enabling law enforcement to quickly connect with each other and the public is key to finding a missing child at risk.
AMBER Alert Europe encourages other missing children experts to join the Task Force on AMBER Alerts.