On March 31st the Slovak Police joined AMBER Alert Europe in launching Europe’s first cross border child alert system: AMBER Alert Slovakia. A big thanks to the Slovak Ministry and Police, UNICEF and all attendees for making this press launch a huge success. 

The press launch was organized by Unicef Slovakia together with the Slovak Police. The launch brought together Police, Ministry and press representatives of Slovakia, as well as topic owners at Police, Ministry and relevant NGO’s from neighbouring countries, such as Hungary, Austria, Poland and Russia.

AMBER Alert Slovakia, Europe’s first cross-border child rescue alert, insures that not only Slovak, but also endangered missing children and child alerts in neighboring countries, are automatically displayed on the website of AMBER Alert Slovakia. For more information, please see the press release.

Photo and video material of the press launch

Press Launch AMBER Alert Slovakia, Bratislava

Press Launch AMBER Alert Slovakia, Bratislava

Press Launch AMBER Alert Slovakia, Bratislava

Press Launch AMBER Alert Slovakia, Bratislava

Charlie Hedges, European Alert Coordinator AMBER Alert Europe

Charlie Hedges, European Alert Coordinator AMBER Alert Europe

Frank Hoen, founder AMBER Alert Europe (left), Jozef Halcin, Slovak Minstry of the Interior (right)

Frank Hoen, founder AMBER Alert Europe (left), Jozef Halcin, Slovak Minstry of the Interior (right)